
Annual Function

The annual function for the Investiture of Prefects for the year 2016-17, was held at the school premises. The student council of Fifty-two (52) members was elected and selected for the new session 2016-17. The appointments were made keeping in mind, their leadership qualities, performance, reliability and consistency in their class performance. They were also judged on character and communication skills.

The Chief Guest for the occasion was Brigadier (Retd.) Ramesh Bhatia, Bar Member, State Legal Services Authority and Ex-Chairman and Managing Director, Uttaranchal Ex-Servicemen Corporation Ltd. The proceedings began with the lamp illuminating ceremony by the Chief Guest, the Director Syed Mohammed Yasar, Mrs. Rachna Srivastava. Mrs. Shruti Ghildiyal compered the solemn ceremony. The school English choir vocalized melodious hymns and with pride and a sense of achievement surging in their hearts, the school authorities, parents and students listened with bated breath.

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