Annual Exhibition 2018
The Annual Exhibition was held on 13th October 2018 at 9:00a.m in ‘THE INDIAN CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL’’ followed by the P.T.M.
The exhibition was inaugurated by Dr Swadesh Bansal.
The Pre-Primary , Junior School and senior school showcased the informative and attractive exhibits with working models of Blood Group Test, Green city ,Human Heart, kidney Model, Metro Station, Smart City Module, Volcano eruption, Earthquake Alarm ,Solar System ,Exterior and Interior Property Model, Globe Theater, Preposition , Students were disguised as Shakespeare ,Toru Dutt , Sarojini Naidu and Rabindranath Tagore and they also recited famous verses written by them. The Art and Craft exhibits, put up by the junior and senior wing, were a reflection of their creativity and talent. There was dazzling array of paper Mache, Photo frames, Glass painting, Mask making, Painting collages, Tissue paper flowers etc.
The English and Hindi department took the theme of exhibition to a creative level by the help of charts and models, depicting the parts of speeches, use of 1st, 2nd and 3rd form of verbs etc.
The Maths exhibition was able to generate tremendous interest among the visitors. The Models were based on Height and distance, Solid geometry, Geo board, Chart papers by classes (VI-VIII), Heron’s formula, etc.
The Chemistry department exhibited working models on Water purification treatment plant, electromagnetic separation, electrolysis, Galvanization , Hydro ponics , desalination Plant ,lime wet scrubber filter Water level alarm.
Biology department urged Display of –Human heart, Animal/plant cell, Blood group compatibility chart, INRA (New blood group discovered).
In physics L.E.D cube air conditioner, Generator, vacuum cleaner, table fan ,toy car, graphite is a good conductor of electricity, Projector and many other working and non working models were exhibited.
In the Social Studies exhibition kuccha house ,puccha house , model of wind mill, solar system, Drip Irrigation method ,Akbar’s history were exhibited.
In Art and Craft exhibition, displayed paintings, basket, table, , lamp shades, temple, earthen lamps, pen stands, masks, ice cream sticks lamp shades, flower pots, newspaper Temple and products made out of waste were displayed.
In computer exhibition the presentation was based on PowerPoint .
On the special occasion, the Principal of the School Mrs RachanaSrivastava, Academic coordinator Ms RubinaSiddiqui, Coordinator Mrs Raj Srivastava and the other dignitaries were present .
The Parents and Guests and the congratulated the students on exhibiting their models and heartly appreciated the effort put up by the faculty of the School.