
Workshop on Plastic Waste Management by Panchayati Raj, Uttrakhand Government at The Indian Cambridge School

Today on September 3rd, 2019 a workshop was conducted at “The Indian Cambridge School “,Dalanwala by Mr H. C .Semwal , additional Secretary and director Panchayati Raj, Uttrakhand government to eradicate the plastic from the state . He address the students on’ Plastic Waste Management.’

He was accompained by his wife Mrs  Nirmala Semwal,  ex joint director,Sh  D.P Devrari,  Mr Vipin kumar,  consultant S.W.M  & Ms.  Kanchan Negi,   consultant I.E.C and  Media and the School Principal Mrs Rachana Srivastava.

Mr H. C. Semwal was welcomed with bouquets.

The School Principal  introduced the Chief Guest to the audience.

The School Captain ,Sunidhi Shah praised the chief guest  by talking loud about his achievements  in plastic waste management .

Mr H. C. Semwal  has established 95 compactors and plastic recycling plant .

In his address he said that , once  plastic is discarded after utility is over, it is known as plastic waste.  It is estimated that   approximately 70% of plastic packaging products are converted into plastic waste in a short span of time.

Plastic waste effects our   ground water , pollutes soil,   ocean ,air etc even plankton,  the  tiniest  creature in our oceans, are eating micro plastics and absorbing their hazardous chemicals .

it is seen that plastic consumption is increasing in India rapidly but now  the time has come ,when we should discouraged the use of disposal plastics and should  abandon grocery bags ,plastic wrap,  disposable cutlery ,coffee cup lids, do  minimize buying of water bottle ,instead  purchase secondhand items and support a bag tax or ban plastic.

Ms. Rubina Siddqui, academic coordinator  proposed the vote of   thanks and said that  the  use of plastic within  the campus will be banned  and other  available options will be used by the students and the staff.

The school students found   the talk very effective.

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